I've been gone since Thursday so haven't had a chance to post, but it was a great weekend. Josh and I plus 4 of our great youth staff went to Youth Summit. It is a time of refreshing and renewing our vision every year. There was soooo much good stuff, so I'll share it randomly over the next few weeks. One session at a time. :-) It is always great to get together with other people who are walking the same road you are and remember WHY we do what we do...to glorify God and bring people to a personal relationship with Him. I was reminded that God does not require PERFECTION; just PROGRESS!
Here are a few thoughts from the first session with Nate Ruch:
1) We all began somewhere and we're all going somewhere...whether right or wrong!
2) Our MISSION must always be larger than our GOAL.
3) Everyone tries to pull people into their NORMAL! No one is normal and we often forget that our normal is completely abnormal to those around because it isn't their normal. We must learn to find balance in our relationships (marriage, close friendships, even casual church friendships, those we minister to) and remember that what they are doing is NORMAL to them! Be more understanding of other people's normals and not so dogmatic about our normals. It's okay if someone does things different than you!!!
4) If you want your ministry to work and your path to be straight you (I) must learn to completely TRUST God...not just on the issues that I don't think I can handle!
5) Don't work out your emotions talking to OTHER people; offer them up to GOD!
6) Romans 12:1-2 *Be transformed by the way you think! Our emotions and actions are directly related and in submission to our thought life.
7) Human nature does not want to embrace the unknown! It wants to go back to OUR NORMAL (the comfortable). But God wants us to constantly go through REBIRTH! Isaiah 65:24
Lord, help me be more understanding of other people's normals and daily go through a renewal of my spirit to YOUR SPIRIT! Thank you for a weekend of remembering why ministry is so important. You are amazing and you know that I mean that! :-) P.S. God - Thanks for the hug!!!
1 comment:
Mandy, I went to Youth Summit when it was held in Wenatchee a few years ago. My husband and I go to Wenatchee First Assembly. He still teaches the high school Sunday school class but I've been doing more with JBQ lately. I'm glad you had a good time and learned so much. When I saw what church you went to, I also thought we probably know some of the same people. Small world!
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