I think I might have broken my own nose yesterday!? Yeah, strange I know. I was trying to open a magazine that was inside of a plastic wrapper and when it finally opened the edge of the magazine (actually more of a large booklet type thing) jammed me really hard in the nose. It immediately started bleeding very badly and I never get bloody noses. I took a few deep breaths. Got the bleeding stopped. Put some ice on it for a minute and then moved on with my day. But today it has actually bothered me quite a bit. It's red in the spot where I hit it and now is VERY tender.
I've never had a broken nose so I'm not sure what one feels like. I went online and looked it up and I think it might be a small fracture which should heal itself in about a month. I put more ice on it tonight so hopefully that will help. It has a bump though off to the side and that's not cool. I don't want a bump on my nose forever. But I also don't want to pay to go to the doctor because I'm sure they'll want to xray it. So I'll just pray and wait. :-)
It is funny how fast things like that happen. You just never know what a day's going to hold!