Monday, March 31, 2008

Some people do more than they know....

Some people do more than they know.... 

What is that about? Well, today I subbed for a Special Ed classroom and was amazed at the level of dedication that these teachers and para-educators have for their students. I have never worked with severally special needs children before. My only experience has been some great kids at church with autism that have fabulous parental support. 

It was a day, let me tell you that. I won't go into detail as to not share their individual mishaps throughout the day, but it was not easy. Yes, in one sense it was not a difficult day in the fact that the kids were great to be around and there was not a lot of lessons required. (We did work on counting, money, and calculator skills.) But emotionally it was draining. I have to give it up to all those who work day in and day out with special needs children and adults. It is a very rewarding profession, but I believe with all of my heart that it is FAR MORE than a job to every single person that I worked with today. They invest themselves into these kids! I'm telling you, the next time you see or talk to a special needs teacher or helper, give them a huge hug and tell them how important their life work is! Although I was enjoying my day, it would be really difficult to give this much of yourself day in and day out. Plus, then go home and give to your family every night!!!! 

So.....some people do more than they know because I don't think they realize other people don't give this much of themselves to their work! I just cannot believe this is a job or even a career. It has to be a life calling. 

One of my friends has worked as a one-on-one in a special needs class for many years and has just completed her Masters. I have nooooo idea how she did it after working all day, doing school at night, and tending to her family. Then she comes to church on Sunday's and works in our special needs program. Wow! And again I say Wow!

Lord, please bless these special students that I worked with today. Please send someone into their lives that can speak about You and Your love for them! They are not mistakes. They are perfectly designed for You. Yes, I look at them and think "how sad", but You don't. You see them as they are and know their every thought. Keep them safe from those who would hurt or harm them just because their different. Open our hearts to embrace these wonderful kids and adults even if they smell, look, or sound different than us. You love them. Thank you for helping me through this day and please bring more families into our church that need YOUR strength to face these difficult earthly situations. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My 2008 verses...

2 Chronicles 14:11 - "Lord, it is NOTHING for you to help, whether with many or with those who have no power. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on you, and in your name we go against this multitude. O Lord, you are our God, do not let men prevail against you!"

Psalm 92:13-15 "Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing. To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

Need I say more.....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A mother's loss...

I read this poem the other night in "Chicken Soup for a Mother's Soul" and haven't been able to stop thinking about it I thought I'd post it.


I saw him first in April
When they said, "You have a boy,"
I waited long to hear these words
So he became my joy.

And every time his birthday came
I saw him growing tall,
And then he started off to school
In just no time at all.

It seemed I only turned around
And he was in his teens,
He went around in funny hats
And had his favorite jeans.

Then track and football filled his life,
His high school days were fun,
And in his private treasure box
Went medals that he's won.

And often when he came back home
From being on a date,
He'd whisper at my bedroom door,
"Mom, are you still awake?"

Then we would talk a little while
Before he went to bed,
And I would often breathe a prayer,
"God bless my son," I said.

I saw him last in April
When he said, "Mom, don't you worry,
I'm leaving for Vietnam -
We'll win this in a hurry."

But he will nevermore be back,
My heart still seems to break,
I'll never hear him whisper now,
"Mom, are you still awake?"

Yet I thank God for every joy
For all the love and fun,
And locked in my heart's treasure box
Are memories of my son.

Muriel Cochrane

Isn't that powerful....I can not imagine losing one of my children. I seriously can't even allow my mind to go there in a "what if" situation. This story broke my heart as I read it and thought about this mom and all the moms who even recently have lost their sons and daughters in the war.

My neighbor right across the street lost her son last year. She was in the yard and her flower garden every day last summer. I would say HI or wave and she didn't really respond. I had no idea until the fall what had happened when I saw a sign posted on the steet corner about a missing bike. I went to read it and it said, "Reward - Please bring my brother's bike home. He was killed in the war and it is all we have left of him." It was so sad. He must have been in his early 20's. The even sadder thing is that they do not have Christ in their lives so they don't have a Comforter to lean on or a hope of seeing him again.

So as you kiss your son or daughter goodnight tonight, say a prayer for all the moms who have lost a child in the war or has one that is currently serving...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My God is faithful...

Philippians 4:19 - "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

I am so thankful that God cares about every detail of our lives. Even when things get overwhelming (the house littered with Easter paraphernalia, your account on the verge of over drafting, the kids vomiting, paperwork stacked and waiting to be distributed to it's proper location, laundry, dishes, school, work, church) God says that He knows us and cares and will provide our every need whether emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual.

Oddly enough, amid the STILL runny noses and now was a great day! I woke up and ask God for strength to see me through the day and He did. We didn't go to church tonight because Javon was running a fever and felt terrible. Good thing we didn't since he was vomiting in the family room at 8 PM right when he would have been in Rangers. Anyways, I was able to accomplish a lot today and knew that God helped me keep my eye on the goal which was getting things back in order. With Reagan's bday and Easter (oh, and being sick for a week and a half) things had gotten off track and I needed to get back some since of order. As bad as it sounds having the kids not feeling well was a bit of a blessing because they were both really quite and laid around a lot today so I was able to accomplish a lot.

One of the things that was really neat was planning my April meals. I started writing out a month o' meals after my Granny got me a magnetic calendar that is on my fridge. Cooking is not my greatest joy in life so it has really helped to just have something I can look at and know what I need to pull out and cook. Otherwise, I stand and stare into the freezer and wish I had defrosted something, but it's too late and cereal it is! :-) Anyways, I was again reminded of this verse today because I don't have to purchase meat for the entire month because God has blessed us through others from church giving us meat. We have wonderful salmon, organic beef, and fresh trout all given by our friends at church. It is a huge blessing and reminder that God always provides.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reagan turns 3!

Birthday #1
Birthday #2
Birthday #3

Today was my baby girl's 3rd birthday! I can't believe it!!! It has honestly gone by soooo fast. We had a great day. Actually it's been like 4 days of fun-filled times leading up to the big birthday weekend. Plus with Easter being's like the birthday party isn't going to stop. :-)

I remember feeling almost guilty when I was pregnant with Reagan because although people said that you could love 2 kids the same...I wasn't sure if that was possible because I loved Javon so much. Even during pregnancy I wasn't sure because I didn't pay as much attention to the pregnancy due to chasing Javon around and tending to his every need. When Reagan was born, I received a blessing in disguise. 5 days in the hospital with her and only her! It was wonderful. We were able to talk and bond and then I realized that, yes, the love is equal. Although at times it has been different emotions while raising them, because of their two vastly different personalities! Reagan never kept me awake crying (except the first night when she had to be in a green-space-alien suit and stay in a cold, horrible bed due to her jaundice.) She never has wanted extra attention. She's fine doing her own thing and standing by the sidelines. She's not one to make her wishes known except with her brother and on occasion if it involves makeup! :-) Yet, she has a quiet strength about her. One that I have especially enjoyed watching develop over the past year. I'm a pretty out-there type of person and I always said that one of the hardest things would be for me to parent an introverted child. Yes, it sometimes makes public situations different than I am used to, but at home she is very confident and open. It is in vast contrast to Javon who never stops moving while out in the big world. So different yet both exceptionally gifted and wonderful kiddos.

This year has been all about being a girly-girl! Makeup, dress-up, hair-do's, etc. Reagan loves to dress herself and her bedroom floor is usually covered with clothes every morning in her attempt to find the "right outfit". It is so fun to have her in my life! She is a great cuddler and loves to sing worship songs with Mommy.

Songs of the YEAR...yes, the YEAR...everynight this YEAR we have sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Blessed Be Your Name" before bed. Oh, she also asks "Who gave me this" or "Who gave you that" about every single item that you touch. Whether it be makeup, toys, clothes, pans, food...everything!!! At least 10 times a day she asks about different items and then says "Oh, that was nice."

I believe that her spiritual gift is SERVICE. She loves to do things for others. She helps me do the dishes. She helps her brother color things. She helps do things for the dogs. And then she loves when you praise her for it. Last year I read "Discovering Your Child's Spiritual Gifts" and wasn't sure what Reagan's gift was yet, but I really do think that serving others makes her happy. I try to always praise her now when I see her doing things for others to encourage her.

Well, she's finishing off her 3rd birthday at Nana's house coloring Easter eggs! It's been a great day and I'm ready for another wonderful year of learning and growing together!

Lord, help me over this next year to always be loving, never harsh. Help me to encourage my children in their giftings and never push things on them that I want that may not be what You have for them. I want to enjoy each moment. Please help me to be more patient and present in their lives. Even in the little things. When I'm tired or want get other things done, help me realize I'll never get these years back. Thank You for allowing me the privilege of homeschooling them! I never want to take that privilege for granted. It is such a blessing to not have to follow the cultural norm, but rather do what I know is best for our family. Your Word will not return void and I want to raise them up knowing and loving You not out of religious duty but out of a true heart that longs to please you. Help Josh and I always model that heart for You. Please help me find balance in my life as a wife, mother, teacher, ministry leader, employee, daughter, sister, friend, homemaker, etc. I want to be the best at them all, but I know that sometimes areas will fall short. Help me to prioritize better and use wisdom in my decisions. I want to always find JOY in the things I am doing and have a grateful heart. Thank you for my beautiful little girl and handsome little man. You are amazing!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Times

Sorry I haven't blogged at all this past week. It was super busy! Church work day all day on Saturday, then a busy day at church on Sunday, then we got sick...yuk! Wednesday we took a sick day after I had started school and was getting really inpatient with the kids. I thought it would be better to just lay down and let the kids play than be snippy all day with them. They had fun. BUT that meant that today I had two days of school. We got it all done though and it wasn't too bad at all.

So this post is actually NOT about my busy, sick week...I thought I'd share a great little "Family Time" schedule that the kids got in Sunday School this past Sunday.

March 16-22 - Washing Feet

Before bath time, lather your child's feet with shaving cream or soap suds. As you touch each toe, name ways to care for others.

March 23-29 - Alive and Well

Go outside and look for signs of sping - flowers, grass, and baby animals. Collect several sping "treasures" such as leaves and flower petals. Help your child glue these things to a piece of paper. Say, "Jesus came back to life in the spring."

March 30-April 5 - Caught You!

Look for an opportunity this week to reward your child's obedience. "Catch" your child doing something obedient, such as picking up her toys. Praise the good behavior and provide a special reward. Say, "God is pleased when we obey."

April 6-12 - Choice Ingredients

Allow your child to help plan the menu for a special meal for your family. Encourage him to choose an item from each of the food groups. Then take him shopping for the right ingredients for the meal. Explain that people make many choices, such as what we will eat or what we will wear. But other choices are even more important. Talk about the choices that Jonah made and how they affected him.

Happy Easter!!!!!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Writing ideas for parents and kids!

So a friend and I (hi Carrie) were talking the other day about kids and how it important for them to learn how to write and tell stories. I found this little "how to" about writing and thought it was great. I want to start next year having Javon journal every day about something. Even if it's a few sentences and then maybe once a week as he gets older write something fictional. Anyways, here are some writing tips for parents and kids alike...

1) If you write every day, you get better at writing every day!
2) If it's boring to you; it's boring to your readers.
3) Get a writing routine and stick to it!
4) Poetry does NOT have to rhyme. Poetry does not NOT have to rhyme.
5) Resist stereotypes, in real life and in your writing.
6) Writers read. Writers read a lot. Writers read all the time.
7) Make lists of your favorite words and books and places and things.
8) There doesn't always have to be a moral to the story!
9) Always bring your notebook. Always bring a spare pen.
10) Go for walks. Dance. Pull weeds. Do the dishes...then write about it.
11) Don't settle on just one style. Try something new!
12) Learn to tell both sides of the story.
13) Go write something!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

We LOVE the library!

Do you have a library? I sure hope so. We actually don't go to the library all that often simply because of our schedule, but I always have library books around. I do most of my library tasks online! A friend of mine got me hooked on theme kits from the library and we use them all the time! They are only available online or through the help desk at your library because the theme kits (books to grow on) are distributed through a district hub. So you won't ever see them at the library. Each kit comes with 10 books, a C.D., VHS or DVD, hands-on item like finger puppets or a puzzle, and a parent book. They are great! A few that we have used so far are:

Adventures, Balloons, Bears, Birds, Cats, Dinosaurs, Dogs, Fall, Friends, Horses, Monkeys, My Body, Pets, Shapes, Toys, Whales, Wild Animals....there are at least 100 more kits to choose from. It is so cool because it takes the work out of looking for related items for learning about a topic. My library web site is You can type in Books to Grow On and it will bring up the entire list. They also have toddler kits with shorter, board books in tons of themes as well.

I thought I'd try it out when a friend told me about it and now I'm hooked. Give it a try! :-)
P.S. The plastic dinos were not included in the kit.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Learning Company $1 sale

Just thought I'd let all ya homeschool moms out there of K-5th graders know about the $1 sale at The Learning Company. There are around 20 of their workbooks that are on clearance for $1. A couple of them used to be $14.99, but most are their $3.99 workbooks. They have $5 flat s/h for your entire order. So go check it out if you like at

Monday, March 10, 2008

Last day to pick up great Safeway deals!

In case you didn't know, Safeway is having killer deals through Tuesday, March 11, on Cheerios & Capt. Crunch (5 for $5), Nature Valley Granola Bars - all varieties! (4 for $4) and Betty Crocker Fruit Roll Ups or Fruit Snacks (4 for $4). The sale ends tomorrow so I stocked up! You sure can't beat $1 a box for any of those items. Plus Sunday's paper had coupons for some of these items to save even more!!! Happy shopping!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Youth Summit 08

I've been gone since Thursday so haven't had a chance to post, but it was a great weekend. Josh and I plus 4 of our great youth staff went to Youth Summit. It is a time of refreshing and renewing our vision every year. There was soooo much good stuff, so I'll share it randomly over the next few weeks. One session at a time. :-) It is always great to get together with other people who are walking the same road you are and remember WHY we do what we glorify God and bring people to a personal relationship with Him. I was reminded that God does not require PERFECTION; just PROGRESS!

Here are a few thoughts from the first session with Nate Ruch:

1) We all began somewhere and we're all going somewhere...whether right or wrong!

2) Our MISSION must always be larger than our GOAL.

3) Everyone tries to pull people into their NORMAL! No one is normal and we often forget that our normal is completely abnormal to those around because it isn't their normal. We must learn to find balance in our relationships (marriage, close friendships, even casual church friendships, those we minister to) and remember that what they are doing is NORMAL to them! Be more understanding of other people's normals and not so dogmatic about our normals. It's okay if someone does things different than you!!!

4) If you want your ministry to work and your path to be straight you (I) must learn to completely TRUST God...not just on the issues that I don't think I can handle!

5) Don't work out your emotions talking to OTHER people; offer them up to GOD!

6) Romans 12:1-2 *Be transformed by the way you think! Our emotions and actions are directly related and in submission to our thought life.

7) Human nature does not want to embrace the unknown! It wants to go back to OUR NORMAL (the comfortable). But God wants us to constantly go through REBIRTH! Isaiah 65:24
Lord, help me be more understanding of other people's normals and daily go through a renewal of my spirit to YOUR SPIRIT! Thank you for a weekend of remembering why ministry is so important. You are amazing and you know that I mean that! :-) P.S. God - Thanks for the hug!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Finally, a great night at wrestling! It has been a bit intense lately with Javon and wrestling. He is the youngest in the class. There is one other 6 year old and all the rest of the kids are between 10-12 years old. At first the coach was really fun and easy on the kids, but now he's gotten tough which is good. But for Javon, who is a boundaries kid, he's been a bit confused on what happened to the fun, easy-going coach. The moves are very difficult and I'm tellin' you that I couldn't do them!!! There was actually 2-3 other younger boys that were attending but they have all dropped out. Victor is Javon's partner and really tries to help Javon out. It's cute. I love to watch them do their warmups. Javon is sweating and his face looks like a cherry by the time it is over, but that is his favorite part. He loves to run and run and run! I know this is so good for him. It is pushing him physically and mentally. Plus, he's not at church where everyone knows him. He's out in a new world with 10 other boys and a coach who is tough yet caring with the boys.

I meant to take my camera last night to post a pic. I'll try to remember next week.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Another day in highschool....

(Aaron, Stacey, Cassidy, Jon, and Elgin) Some of our youth!
Today I subbed at Auburn High and actually had a really good day. The kids were very well behaved overall. However, cursing is such a normal part of their lives. It is really sad that most of them don't even realize what is coming out of their mouth and how foul it sounds. 4th period there were several guys that came in cursing and I let them know that it was not acceptable around me and that the next one that cursed would have to go into the hall. Immediately one boy cursed to make a point and out he went into the hall. Then another girl was talking with her friend and said the D word and I asked her to go to the hall as well. "What did I say?" she said. I told her the D word and she was confused and said, "I didn't say that." She was not being disrespectful at all. She was actually very sweet. Her friend confirmed that she had and said, "We cuss so much we don't even know when we do it." The F word is their favorite. It was quite shocking at first, but now it has become quite common on Mondays to hear it a good 20 times. The halls in between periods are filled with foul language. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying these are bad kids. You are a product of your environment and this is their environment. 
I was actually thinking that if I wasn't a Christian, I'm sure I would curse as well. What is the big deal or payoff of NOT cursing if you aren't trying to follow after God and separate yourself from the world. It helps you fit in. It expresses an emotion. It is culturally that norm. So why not? 

"How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news?'" Romans 10:14-15
This verse is just a reminder of the mission that each of us has before us. I think we take for granted that people in America know who Jesus is and have made a conscious choice to reject Him. I do not believe that is the case. I think that most people have heard ABOUT Jesus but have absolutely no idea that He can radically transform their lives into something that is bigger than they ever imagined. It is our job to tell them.  That is way easier said than done!!! But if we just could start with one or two then I think it would get a lot easier to just go for it!
I was very happy that today I was able to share more than I had in several months (because I've been teaching Kindergarten lately) about the fact that my husband and I work with youth at a church and if they'd like to check us out they can go to our website. I have to word it carefully. I just say if they want to see my cute hubby and kids they can go to That is his clever new youth website name to peek teens curiosity about the name (play on words). It seemed to work today. But then Josh informed me that he doesn't have his picture on there yet. He better get crackin'. :-)
P.S. If you don't know me and are completely confused by the fact that I am talking about teaching in High School yet have homeschool mom on my is because I began subbing on Monday's in the public school system this year. My husband is off on Monday's and watches Reagan while Javon goes to homeschool co-op with his Nana and Auntie's. It has been a real eye opener and confirmation that I am doing what God wants for my family. I have really enjoyed it most days though. It is such a different world than working at the church in a bubble. It is an extension of my ministry while there because I can see what these kids are facing on a daily basis and it ISN'T EASY. I have friends that are teachers and know that God called them as missionaries to the school system and they are making a difference in kids' lives! 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pinewood Derby Race 08

Pinewood Derby Races 08
I didn't have time to post anything yesterday...but here' s what we did! Pinewood Derby Races 08. Javon and Pappa worked on his car for a week and it payed off. Team Spongebob was there to cheer Javon on and he did great.