Some would look at my life and say that I'm crazy busy....others would look at it and say that I'm just plain crazy! :-) But I love my crazy busy life.
I have had the wonderful priviledge of going on a Disney Cruise in May with my Granny and two amazing sisters. It was fabulous. The first trip that I've really just let myself relax, leave work/church and my cares behind and have a great time not having responsibilites. Courtney and Cassidy are old enough now to not have a second mother and it was fun to see them having fun. My mom has a hard time swallowing the amount of money that Granny spends on our every other year vacation but let me say that the memories I have from all of them are truly priceless!
Then 2 weeks later I was able to celebrate my 10 year anniversary the way Josh and I had dreamt of 10 years ago! We went on a cruise to Alaska and enjoyed EVERY minute of it!!! We never thought that we could go, but God saw the desire of our heart and opened up a door. We got tickets for $314 each for a 7 day cruise!!! We'll never find a deal like that again. I really struggled with spending the money because we are so tight right now and could have used it on a million other things, but now I am very thankful that we went. Josh and I really needed it! We needed the time away from church, kids, dogs, chores, problems, responsibility, etc. I wish we could get away for a week somewhere every year, but we'll just shoot for our 15 year anniversary.
Then we had lots of other church events plus finishing up school and moving into summer school stuff in June. The end of June my other grandma (Momo) came up and spent two weeks. It was really nice. She is 81 and I pray that I look as great and get around as good as her when I'm that age. It's amazing when you think that most people are dead at that age and she's still truckin'! We went to the Auburn 4th of July celebration and it was really neat. We all had a great time and then went over to Mom and Gar's for dinner and fireworks.
Josh did the Seattle to Portland bike ride that past weekend for Speed the Light...our youth missions program. He loves cycling now. It's really neat to watch him on his bike because he really does love to ride.
I spent this past weekend working down at Kent Cornucopia Days advertising for our upcoming Vacation Bible Adventure. It's always a lot of work, but hopefully some from the community will join us!
This week Josh is at Jr. High camp and I'm home with the kids and dogs getting ready to go to our church family campout this Friday. That means I have to get everything ready on my own, but that's okay. It's actually less stressful because I can take whatever I want and not debate whether or not we "really" need it or not! :-) I'm actually a very light packer. I don't think you have to take the kitchen sink to have a good time. If I need something that I didn't take, I figure we can live without it for 3 days! :-)
I actually have to pack for two camping trips because right after our church campout gets over we are heading straight to Sr. High camp with a van load of kids. It's going to be a great week. There are lots of kids going!
Again....I love my crazy busy life and couldn't imagine it any other way!