Are you an artist? I am soooooo not! I've always wanted to be able to draw or at least doodle, but it simply doesn't come natural to me. I have one smiley face and one flower that I draw well and that's it!!!
Aaawwwhhhh, the beauty of homeschooling is that you can explore not only your child's interests but yours as well. :-) Since Javon was little I have been working with Javon on various drawing lessons off and on. Reagan, however, has a natural talent at art. It's amazing. At 4 years old she can draw better than I can. Not in a technical sense but in an imaginative sense. Javon can look at something and copy what he sees very well. Reagan on the other hand had a variety of different people that she makes. Some square, some alien, some with curly hair, some with no hair.....all different and dependant on her mood I suppose. Here are a few of the things they did today.
Javon = awesome orange tree and rose for Nana
Reagan = pics of people; the one with the tamborine is me that she drew in like 30 seconds while playing Bible pictionary. She got the word tamborine and drew that super fast.
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