I shared this with a friend and thought I'd post it if anyone was wondering about other preschool schedules.
The website that I really like to use to help me with themes for preschool is at www.pammshouse.com/toddler. It says it's for 2 year olds, but I use it to base my week on and then add extra things as needed. I just make sure that each week we have a theme, letter, color, shape, and tactile activity like counting beans, playing with rice, throwing bean bags in a pan, etc. that we do all week long. Plus I have Reagan do a few "pages" a day from a preschool book that you can buy at Sams for like $8.
I also use the library like a crazy person. :-) But I do it ALL online that way I just run in and pick it up. So this weeks theme is grandparents so I would get like 10 kids books that have something to do with grandparents.....perhaps make a family tree....call a grandparent that the kids haven't spoken with in a while, make a card or craft for a grandparent, etc. For me and Reagan, an hour and a half seems to be a good time span for us. I do 1 full hour, take a fruit break for 1/2 hour, and then do another 1/2 hour to finish up. Then we read books and do other things throughout the day. I'm more structured with her simply because of Javon's schedule. It works fine with her personality though. Hope this helps some. Feel free to ask questions as you think of them.
I'm not able to get that link working :( Let me know if its a different one, I'd really like to check it out!
Oh I got it to work....you need .html on the end of the link!
Thanks! Going to check it out now!
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