Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm not a seamstress!

So I'm sitting here looking at the vest with the badges that I just sewed on for took me way longer that I thought. As I looked at the tiny bit of hand-sewing I was doing it made me think of the huge dresses from the mid-centuries that were all sewn by hand. 
Take a moment and go to and look at the amazing court dresses. To think of all the time that went into making them BY HAND is mind-blowing!  
(Although, weren't men mostly the dress makers of this time?) I'm sure the women still spent a lot of time mending and sewing clothing for their children and husbands.

It got me thinking about how we as women today think we are so much smarter, better, more independent, etc. than women of past times....but are we? I could never handsew a dress, let alone one that is far more elaborate than any dress I've ever even SEEN. The longer I live the more I believe there is absolutely no difference in women's lives from Bible times until now. 
We haven't EVOLVED! God made Adam and Eve complete, not needing to move up the social latter or evolve into what WE have become. They had to build a home, manage a farm, plant crops, cook food, raise kids, clean their home, change diapers (what did they use?), get haircuts, make clothing, plan for their future, and on and on. So as I sit on my couch watching TV and blogging on a Mac I can't help but think that as ADVANCED as we are as women today that we have lost a lot of the joy in being moms and wives in our pursuit of independence. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about equality and being a strong women. I have spent a lifetime watching my mom conquer every challenge that comes her way! She taught me that anything is possible with determination, passion, and hard work. (Thanks Mom... :-) I just want to keep balance in the little things as well as the big ones. (Whatever that means?!)

Just a thought for the evening!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

FREE McSkillet Burrito

I've had so much fun looking for Freebies and coupons online tonight. There were several like the $2 pack of Sharpies at Office Max and the FREE McSkillet atMcDonalds!
The deal is good tomorrow morning until 10:30 AM. With the purchase of a medium size drink, you receive a FREE McSkillet Burrito. I normally do not eat at McDonald's period, especially not breakfast. After seeing how much fat and calories are in all of their breakfast items, I just can't bring myself to eat it. The only thing I ever get there is the 4 piece nuggets....oh, and I LOVE their apple pies so every once in a while I'll treat myself to one. 
Anyways, the love of freebies and coupons outweighs the fat content!!! I let my food guard down on holidays and I would consider McDonalds giving out FREE food a national holiday! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Great homeschool day!

Today was a great homeschool day! We were on task and track all day long. We even got piano in which doesn't always happen on Wednesday's because we're getting ready for church. That means baths, dinner, etc. by 5 PM. Anyways, praise the Lord for a great day of school, chores, books, baths, piano, naps, music, and more!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Okay, one last blog before I go to bed! :-) I've had a great time starting up my blog page tonight! I love to journal and this is really fun. Something most people do not know about me is that almost every night I journal in 4 journals and then read my Bible before bed. Yes...4 journals. I have my personal journal. I have Javon's journal. I have Reagan's journal. This year I have also been journaling in a Scripture journal that my Granny got me for Christmas. It has become my spiritual journal. I simply write things that pertain to God, ministry, etc. 
Oh, I take that back!!!! I have 5 journals!!!!! One is a journal that I just started a couple of weeks ago for Josh. I only write positive, encouraging things in it. There are always things that are easy to nag about, but I thought it would be nice to only write positive things to let him know that I love him. So there you have and my journaling are here to stay. :-) I always thought that maybe someday when I'm 99 and die, Javon and Reagan will look back on them. (Probably not!) 
I don't know why I like to do it. It's like talking to yourself. Kind of weird, but it seems to be healthy for me. :-) At least with a blog I know my mom will read it on occasion. He He 
Oh, wait...does this blog mean I have 6 journals! That's borderline obsessive! 

Reagan at a tea party with Miss Joyce and Amber

Reagan at a tea party! 

Josh, Javon, and I were at our youth winter retreat and Reagan stayed home with Nana. On Saturday, Mom went to a conference and Reagan went to hang out with Miss Joyce (our pastor's wife) and Amber. 
It looks like she had a very fun time!

Joyce said that her and Amber both had soda in their tea cups and they put milk in Reagan's tea pot. When they poured it she said, "Milk?" 

She's no dummy! It wasn't a MILK party. It was a tea party. Joyce corrected the situation. :-)

Javon lost his 2nd tooth

What a cute little guy I have! He just lost his 2nd bottom tooth. We had been working at getting it out for a week and it just wasn't quite loose enough yet. But last night in the bathtub it came out. Not a great place to lose a tooth, but we found it!
I am so proud of the great little boy that he is turning into. He went to the dentist and have to get two cavities filled so now he asks before eating anything if it has sugar in it. He says he can only have 1 or 2 sugar things a day! Doctor's orders...and mommy's!

My Goofy Family

Does every family have the difficulty that we do getting a family picture? I see other family pictures that look nice, yet we have such trouble getting ours. This was our 3rd try at a Christmas picture. By this point I didn't even care that the kids didn't match. And look! But it's not just the kids!!! Josh is just as tough to get a good picture of usually. Anyways, here's my goofy, wonderful family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!