
Take a moment and go to andrewcostume.blogspot.com and look at the amazing court dresses. To think of all the time that went into making them BY HAND is mind-blowing!
(Although, weren't men mostly the dress makers of this time?) I'm sure the women still spent a lot of time mending and sewing clothing for their children and husbands.
It got me thinking about how we as women today think we are so much smarter, better, more independent, etc. than women of past times....but are we? I could never handsew a dress, let alone one that is far more elaborate than any dress I've ever even SEEN. The longer I live the more I believe there is absolutely no difference in women's lives from Bible times until now.
We haven't EVOLVED! God made Adam and Eve complete, not needing to move up the social latter or evolve into what WE have become. They had to build a home, manage a farm, plant crops, cook food, raise kids, clean their home, change diapers (what did they use?), get haircuts, make clothing, plan for their future, and on and on. So as I sit on my couch watching TV and blogging on a Mac I can't help but think that as ADVANCED as we are as women today that we have lost a lot of the joy in being moms and wives in our pursuit of independence.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about equality and being a strong women. I have spent a lifetime watching my mom conquer every challenge that comes her way! She taught me that anything is possible with determination, passion, and hard work. (Thanks Mom... :-) I just want to keep balance in the little things as well as the big ones. (Whatever that means?!)
Just a thought for the evening!
Those are such beautiful dresses and I love what you had to say about women of the past. I've been thinking about the same thing lately as I study history with my daughter- we've been studying American pioneers and I've just been amazed at how strong those women were.
Thanks for the comment Dawn! I love your blog. It is very nice to see that other moms have the same values...and we're both Washington girls!
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