I have failed as a blogger! Not only have I failed myself, but my fellow blogging world! :-) To all those who look at my blog on a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or annual schedule....I apologize.:-( When you click on "blessed mommy" and see the same picture day after day after day I know that you get angry, upset, frustrated, but most difficult for me to stomach - disappointed. Yes, disappointment that I seem to have nothing going on in my life worth writing about. Disappointement that I have not taken pictures of my beautiful children in the past week. Disappointment that I have not cared enough about my friends and strangers to bring joy into their life when they look at my blog which has absolutely no valitity to anything pertaining to their life. For all of that, I am deeply sorry! :-)
Well, here are a few of the things that have been going on in my life over the past week that I have failed to report mostly because I didn't have any pictures to back up my stories!!!
June 5th - 9 year anniversary....great night with my hubby. Probably the best anniversary ever. We were both being sentimental and just talked about some of the stuff that the years have held over dinner. Then we went to see Chronicles of Narnia and then home. My sis' watched the kids. Thanks
June 6-8th - Ladies Retreat....all I can say is "What happened at Sambica - stays at Sambica!" There were some funny times, but there were also some great times spent iwth the Lord. I also really enjoyed hanging out with the ladies. My age and older alike. It was fun.
Cars - Our car broke down and we have spent the past 2 weeks figuring out what to do. Thanks to lots of support and help from friends and family we have 1 car up and running and another on it's way! Thanks everyone!
Puppies - Taking care of the puppies has been a family project. Reagan has renamed the dogs. The boy now has 3 names. Josh calls him Maleak, Reagan calls him Jack and I call him J.J. for "Jack Junior". It's a good thing that his new family will give him a real name. :-) Then the girls' names have changed to Paint (because it looks like her toes were dipped in white paint) and Cherry (because Reagan saw my bag with cherries on it and thought it would make a good name). They are getting sooooo chubby and cute. Their eyes and ears opened this week.
Homeschool Convention - Saturday we had so much to do but I couldn't give up going to the Homeschool Convention. I use A.C.E. Curriculum and am very happy with it, but I love to look around at all the other stuff. Some of my finds outside of my curriculum for next year is a calendar book for Javon which I love. It has 2 years worth of daily calendar projects. You chart "something" for an entire month....life the shape of the moon-the tempurature-what kind of clothes you wore-snowfall amounts-all kinds of stuff. Javon did a weather cart for a month and loved it. I think we'll have a lot of fun with this. Both the kids got a recorder (flute) and I've had fun playing all kinds of songs on it, Reagan loves playing it while Javon plays piano, and Daddy is about to through them both out the window! :-) I also found a really cool penmanship and drawing book in one. Anyways, it was a good day just looking around.
Father's Day - We had a good day at church. Kids' church was busy but fun. Then we went to Longhorn BBQ for our annual "beef day" for daddy.
Now I'm busy getting ready to go to California to visit my grandparents for a week. Neither set of grandparents have a computer let alone the internet, so once again you will see this same post for a week. I told you I am a blogger failer. If I were a hard core blogger I'd drive the 60 miles to Reno and find an internet cafe or something. Oh yeah, I don't have a laptop! Well, it looks like I'll just have to say goodbye for now! Have a wonderful week!