Saturday, September 6, 2008

So today as I was running around doing errands and hitting a few yard sales along the way, I was thinking how different Josh and my relationship is in some ways from when we first got married. When we first got married we did everything together. I love to go yard saling so every Saturday morning I would wake him up at like 7:30 AM and beg him to go with me. He loves to sleep in on the weekends. I can't! 8:00 AM is sleeping in for me. I'm not an early bird, my body clock just doesn't sleep past 8 AM. 

So he would reluctantly roll out of bed and go with me to do something that he really didn't enjoy but didn't we HAVE to do everything together? No :-) Over the years I've learned to appreciate the times that it's just me and understand that he enjoys sleeping in on Saturdays. Then when I get home from my errands, he's up and ready for the day. That is of course on the few Saturday's a month that we don't have something already going on. :-)

Just kind of a random thought that was going through my head today as I enjoyed "my time" at the yard sales. :-)

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