To my faithful few followers - Sorry that I've lapsed on my blogging. I've been trying to prioritize my time better and watch less TV and have less computer time. I feel like everyday is so jammed packed!
Here's what I've been up to the past two weeks:
1) Cleaning out our attic/bedroom! We have our bed at one end and storage at the other because we don't have a garage. There were boxes of stuff that we haven't used in the three years we've lived here and I decided it was time to get rid of "stuff". I worked for a week on it and feel SOOOOOOOOO great! I get emotionally attached to things and find it hard to get rid of them, but I figured I hadn't seen it in years anyways and wouldn't miss it. Although I did have to take it to my mom's house and haver HER take it to Goodwill because I just couldn't do it. :-) I could have saved it until summer and had a yard sale but then I would have been in the same boat of having it in my attic for the entire winter/spring. I LET IT GO! Plus Josh had a lot of clothes that don't fit him anymore since he's lost 75 pounds. He hardly has any clothes left, but he wears the same things over and over anyways. If he has a couple of work shirts, a couple of church shirts, and a couple of church shirts he's happy. I also went through my closet and got rid of stuff that I've had forever and haven't worn. Again the emotional attachment thing. I don't know why I'm like that (remember the thing about not using the Strawberry Shortcake bandaids?!). So anyways, I feel such an overwhelming since of accomplishment! We have spent the past week upstairs doing school. I took a small desk upstairs for Javon and we LOVE it.
2) Learning the songs/motions for our Christmas play. I can't believe how much work goes into a kids' Christmas play!
3) Going through our Christmas closet and organizing it.
4) Painting and redecorating the downstairs of the church for our new SuperKids room. It's been a lot of work but the kids and teachers really like it.
5) And then there's the normal things like school, work, wrestling, laundry, cooking, cleaning, kids, etc.
My goal for this holiday season is to be prepared early, not spend much money, and keep on top of things EVERY day to eliminate stress of things adding up. Help me Jesus!
Tons of love and prayers..............