As we were getting ready for bed last night, Reagan reached over and began to rub my armpit stubble. Yes, I know... weird. She asked what it was and I said that God made hair under people's armpits and that someday she would get it to. She said she didn't want it. :-) I said that I didn't either but God made it for a reason. She asked, "Why?" I said, "Why do you think?" She said, "Because God got MAD at us one day and made armpit hair." I started laughing and said I didn't think that was it but she insisted. She said that we were being goofy and silly and making mean faces and so God got mad and gave people armpit hair. So there you go folks! Now you all know why we have armpit hair!!!!!!!!!!
very enlightening!
kid's theorys are so fun to hear! I love it when my kids come up with some reason or another about the why of something.
This is nice. Lol. Maybe that's what the kids belief but we all know what armpit hair is. Getting rid of it is one of our priority.
Laser Hair Removal
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