Matthew 6:20-21 NIV But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Over the past year I have cut way back on even going to the store. Not even going in to 'look' because there is always something on SALE that I have to pick up and in the end it costs money I didn't need to spend. I am learning more and more that if I don't see it then I don't even think about it and ultimately didn't need it in the first place. I tend to be a "saver" - thinking someday I'll use it. As a kid I wouldn't use things because then they'd be gone. Things like BANDAIDS. Yes, even bandaids. I remember getting a box of Strawberry Shortcake bandaids as a kid and never using them because if I used them then I wouldn't have them anymore. Having a single mom until I was 12 helped me learned the value of being frugal. Right now my new goal is to USE things up before I purchase more. Things like makeup and lotion just accumulate! What about you? Do you have a bathroom cabinet filled with half-used hair products and lotions? Lets use them!!!!!! :-) |
Love ya Sis'!
A few ways Cass and I are alike: At first meeting you wouldn't think we're much alike however deep down we really are. We are both people pleasers. We both bottle up our emotions...sometimes to appear stronger than we really are....sometimes simply because we push them down for no apparent reason but it's our nature. We love our families and try to take care of them. She's an introvert and I'm an extrovert but deep down we are very similar and I'm thankful she's my sis.
Love you too Courtie....