Friday, October 24, 2008

The move to the family room!

Our normal school day happens at the dining room table everyday. Somedays I feel as if my rear end has left an indention on the chair because I've sat there all day. Especially on Wednesdays because that's my paperwork days so even when the kids get up to have break and do other things I tend to stay at the table working. Well, it is getting cold in the Seattle area (I'm jealous of those of you who are still enjoying sunshine and gardening!) so we made the big move to the back family room. It is easier to heat and I hate being cold! Last year it didn't work out so well. Javon had a hard time focusing without the table and Reagan wanted the TV on. 
When we are at the table the TV never goes on during the day but in the back room they are used to it being on in the late afternoon for a show after nap so Reagan still wanted it on. I didn't want to get that started at all so I made sure to have her colors out and other things she could play with. 
Javon actually did great in the back room this year. It was warm and cozy and he really enjoyed standing up at his "table" to do his schoolwork. Reagan poured beans for a good hour and then we worked on number cards. She didn't want to place the right number of beans on the cards though. She wanted to completely cover the card in beans. Yeah, I had a bit of a bean mess to clean up but it was an easy task and she really enjoyed it today. 
Reagan also worked on her TURTLE magazine which she loves. We try to do about four or so pages a day. Usually a story, a couple of work pages, and then a project. Some friends gave us their TURTLE magazines and Reagan has really enjoyed them. (Thanks Mechelle!) Today we did a science project with eggs. We hard boiled eggs and then cracked the shells and placed them in a cup of tea. They sat until dinner and then we cracked them open to reveal a maze of brown lines that the tea had made. It was a simple, fun science project.  

Does anyone else move school in the cold weather? It can actually break things up and give you a new exciting adventure. You might just want to give it a try. :-)

1 comment:

BlessedMommy said...

The luxury of homeschooling, you can do it ANYWHERE, even in the car! ;)
