To my little man and super cool kid - Javon:
Mommy is having a hard time believing that you are about to turn 6 years old! I thought that 5 was strange, but 6 is even weirder for me. You have changed and grown so much in this past year. I am so very proud of the little boy that you are becoming.
The day you were born I vividly remember thinking that you looked nothing like I expected and wondered how I was going to raise this little creature that I had no clue about. Within minutes I was convinced we could make it and no matter what came our way, Daddy and I would love you.
The night I brought you home from the hospital I laid you on my tummy and sang you "our" song: Javon, Javon, Mama's little Javon. Javon, Javon, Mommy loves you. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon. Oh, scinamarinky dee scinamarinky doo - I LOVE YOU.
I sang it to you every single night and sometimes when you were being really fussy in the middle of the night I would sing the "and underneath the moon" part over and over just to remind myself that it was all worth it. :-) You and I have had a special bond since the day you were born. I had always wanted a little boy because it was new territory and I thought I'd be a better boy mommy than girl mommy. Once you were born, I wasn't so sure. :-) All I knew about was girls. I am so grateful to God that He blessed me with a little boy to love and train.
This past year began our journey of homeschooling. You were still 4 years old when we started Kindergarten. If you had gone to public school you wouldn't have been able to start because of your November bday. I wasn't sure how it would all work out, but I was so excited to teach you. There was no doubt you were ready. You picked up on your letters, numbers, shapes, Bible verse, etc. very quickly. Our routine was the hardest part at first because it took every moment of Mommy's day, but I've learned over the past year how to juggle better. :-) By the time Christmas had rolled around you were almost done with Kindergarten. Not just random anything work, but all the curriculum and you were reading. Wow, this was a great choice for our family. Every day has not been easy on any of us, but the easiest road is not always the right one. Seeing your face light up as you read your first words or added 2+2 means far more than anything else I could ever imagine. Oh, and I almost forgot that you learned to play the piano. No, I mean really! It's amazing. I am soooo proud of you.
You have lost 6 teeth this year, grown tall and lanky, given mom foot rubs, still refuse to eat meat, love to have mom tuck you in and rub your back. You still don't like to pick out your own clothes, you are turning into a fantastic little wrestler, you have beaten a Mario game that mom worked on beating in high school for years, you love to hang out with dad, you can beat most of the youth guys at any XBox game, you and your sister argue at times but love each other to death, Nana's house is your favorite place to go because she is so soft on you and loves you very much, you make mom crazy frustrated sometimes but I always love you, and most of all you love Jesus and pray every night with passion as you tell Jesus that He is #1 in your heart and always will be!
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