I absolutetly can't believe that summer is almost over! Well, when you live in the Seattle area summer doesn't last very long. I couldn't believe when people complained and complained and complained about the hot weather that we had for 3 days! Are you kidding me? We have rain and clouds the majority of the year and you are going to complain about a little heat!
I'm really trying to live a complaint free life. Of course that doesn't always happen, but I find that not only does it affect others for the better but I live a much happier life I focus on the good. I've always been an upbeat, happy person, but the reality is that sometimes life can get a bit frustrating and it gets easier and easier to focus on the things that aren't going right.
I have really been trying this year especially to focus on how good that I do have it. Yes, it would be nice to make a bit more, or not be so busy, or have a house and car that didn't need constant repair.....but then I remember how blessed I am to even have a house and car and ministry that keeps me busy and kids that I can train and good health and friends that are there for me and a family that loves me even when I fuss at them and a Safeway right down the street if I need something in the middle of the night and a library that carries an endless supply of books that I can use for FREE and amazing garage sales and dogs that have babies for a little extra cash and a piano that I can play late into the night and a voice that loves to worship Jesus and a grandma that paid for me to have lasic eye surgery so I can actually see the alarm clock and a church full of people who love my kids and $1 Saturdays at the swimming pool and Taco Bell and a husband who loves me even when I'm not lovable and a mom who supports every single thing that I do and sisters who are turning into my best friends the older we get and the privilage I have as an American to homeschool my children and the fact that we have a church building that is paid for and food to eat every single day and green grass 9 monthes out of the year and a neighborhood I can take walks in and family campouts with friends and teenagers who ask me to pray with them because they can trust me and a son who gives me foot massages and tells me I'm the best mom in the whole world and a little girl who has curly hair and a very kind heart..............
Yeah, I'd say that there are a lot more things in my life to be grateful for than grumble about. What are you grateful for today?
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this blog. Loved it. There are so many things in life to be thankful for, but they are so easy to forget sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. Miss you.
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