This was a good school week...Javon is getting much better at understanding that it is easier to get his work done without complaining. Now that we have a good routine down he knows all the subjects that he has each day. It's been very nice! Reagan was a great little preschooler as well. She did some glue projects that she thought was really fun. :-)
Here's what we did this week:
Monday - Coop (Journey Around the World Class - Russia)
Art w/ Daddy
Math Workpages (counting by 10's)
Tuesday - Friday
Math (NEW Spiderman addition book from Dollar Tree!) He was really ahead in his math. We use ACE and he was on Pace 10 out of 12 already in the 1st grade curriculum soI decided to stop him there and do some extra stuff. More concept math instead of basic addition. We've been working on skip counting, etc. but I couldn't pass up the Spiderman book. He thinks it's pretty cool!
English oo lesson and spelling - Javon did his English work that was mostly spelling this week. It's pretty cool to see him actually spelling words. His work has pictures and then he writes the words under them. He had POT, CAP, CASH, FISH, MAP, etc. There were 10 words that he spelled. It's really neat to see him learning sooooo fast. If you would have asked me in September if he would be spelling words, reading, and doing this level of Math now I would have said NO WAY! We had done preschool last year were he learned his letters, but that was it. The Kindergarten curriculum for this year was basically the same thing of reviewing his letters and doing basic math. I am honestly amazed at how fast he has picked up on this stuff. I know that there are a lot of people who are more of the mindset that it's better to simply allow children to learn from their environment at this age (and I totally respect your style for your family!) but I am more into the get as much into them as I can because this is such a crucial time for language and learning.
Science - We have been studying the days of creation and then inside of that topic learning about things that relate to each item God created. This week is Day 3 which is land and water. So we have learned about the differences between the ocean, lakes, and rivers as well as mountains, hills, and valleys. It's been neat.
Spanish - Kids Love Spanish DVD set! They are great. I found them at the library and would like to eventually purchase the 9 DVD set. They are 30 minutes videos that simply use kids to teach basic spanish words. This week we've been watching the FOOD video. I give them a snack and they sit and watch it. Reagan came in yesterday and asked for some Leche (Milk). It was cute! Javon was very concerned about the mispronunciation of Jugo (Juice). It sounds like "H"ugo in spanish and Javon said it should say "J"ugo like it looks. I explained the J/H thing. It's been good though. They are learning without it being a curriculum type thing. It's just a video for snack time to them.
Nature - We try and get outside every day now that it is nice! The kids wanted to take toys out but I said this was not toy time. They can find sticks, rocks, flowers, etc. and use their imagination. When we first started this a month or so ago Javon said he wasn't into the whole imagination thing and wanted some toys to play with outside. Reagan on the other hand is great at using her imagination! She can sit and play Little Pet Shop for a long time making up creative things for the animals to do. Now though they both really enjoy going outside. As long as it's not raining! This is Seattle, but it has been pretty nice lately.
Social Item - Last but not least we do a social project every day. This can be absolutely anything! Somedays it's counting money, washing each others feet, doing a rain dance....last week they took a bath outside in a bucket like old-timers. I have a book that has 365 different daily ideas. I use it as a guide and then add some of my own based on what will work for us.
Music - Morning music "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" and "Jesus, Name Above All Names" Piano in the afternoon...we usually do piano 3-4 days a week.