I am sooooo proud of myself! :-) I have "shined my sink" every single day this week! I've been looking around the flylady.net website and thought that her tips were great. Although they are all common sense type things, it's good to be reminded to just do it sometimes.
Dishes are my worst household chore! I hate them. I instantly assigned Josh that job after we got married. He did good with it for several years, but then gave it back to me and now is in charge of the family room. It seems like such an easy job, but I have always hated them. Ask my mom! So I clean my whole kitchen and leave the dishes in a nice little pile in the sink. I have actually gotten better over the past year about always rinsing them so that it's not hard to put them in the dishwasher. What happens though is that I look and see only a few dishes so I think, "Oh, I'll do them tomorrow" or "There's not enough to mess with right now" and then the pile gets big. Then I say, "Oh, there's too many dishes. I don't have time right now."
Well, FlyLady's challenge #1 was to always "shine your sink" before bed every night. I decided this would be a good challenge for me to take on. I did it!!!! Every single night I've made myself go in and do the dishes before going to bed. It only takes about 15 minutes and makes me feel sooooo good the next morning! I haven't even ran my dishwasher this week. I've just done everything by hand. That way it's all just done right then. There was one night (Wednesday I think) that I was tired and really didn't want to do them. I almost didn't....but then I decided to just do it. It didn't take long and I felt very good about keeping my challenge.
The whole point of the website is to create daily habits that make life easier. My mom has always been so good at this. She plays the "anywhere you go game" and never leaves a room without doing something. I grew up doing this and I think I revolted for a while. I didn't want to HAVE to do something every time I got up. Then it felt like you where always on a mission. But now I know that little things like that help out so much.
So habit #1 - Shine sink every night...check!
Good job! I need to re establish some good habits regarding keeping the house clean. I would be pretty embarrassed if someone just showed up right now.
FANTASTIC! Imagine how good you would feel if you came and shined MY sink every night ;)
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