What do you get when you empty one fruit container?
A preschool activity!

I've been trying to come up with ideas for Reagan to do while Javon works on his schoolwork...she colors, draws, looks at books, plays with playdo (on occasion), and plays with her toys in the living room right by us. But I've been trying to come up with other things that she can play with. Sorting is a great preschool activity, but we had yet to try it. So when I say this fruit tray that I was about to throw out, I said "ah-ha"! That would make a great sorting tray. And it did! Instead of boring ol' beans, I put food! I put all the items (marshmallows, raisins, dried mangos, and dried apricots in the middle round container. Then Reagan sorted them all out. She loved it and didn't need any help at all. The best part (for her) was that she got to eat it as a snack when she was done! She kept trying to sneak marshmallows but I told her that was her reward when she was done and then she didn't eat them. After she was done, I congratulated her and
then she got to eat her snack. It was a lot of fun. We're keeping this great multipurpose item!!!
How creative! I like the idea of using food and eating it for a snack when the project is over. Thanks for the great idea!
BRILLIANT! Cool mommy points for you!
Great idea! Kylee loves to sort by color, too.
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