I just finished a great little book called "Be the Parent - Seven Choices You Can Make to Raise Great Kids" by Kendra Smiley. I would recommend picking it up at the library or bookstore. It's an easy read and has some great advise on Christian parenting. I'm only going to post the main points on the first chapter but there is so much more great stuff.
Principle #1 - Choose to BE THE PARENT!
Step 1) Admit it when a problem exists.
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Now is the time to not make excuses about your child's behaviors and deal with them. There can be no problem resolution until a problem is identified. This is precisely where you step up and say, "I am the parent. You are the child."
Step 2) Build your CONFIDENCE.
Come back to reality and realize that:
I am the parent...THAT is reality.
He (or she) is the child...THAT is reality.
I am older and wiser...THAT is reality.
God has given me the parenting responsibility...THAT is reality.
He WILL equip me to do the job....THAT is reality
I can have God-given confidence in my role...THAT is reality.
I am the parent!
Step 3) See the VISION.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Prov. 29:18
What is your vision for your child? Write it down, pray over it, speak life into them! This isn't about where you want them to go to college or what profession to choose. This is about what has God placed inside them that you can nurture and foster. Help your children "sing the song God put inside of them."
Step 4) Develop a PLAN!
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines the steps." Proverbs 16:9
1. Give your child the opportunity to know and serve Jesus!
2. Teach them to obey...God, you, and other authority in their lives. With obedience comes freedom!
3. Give them a routine (security). Children THRIVE on routine. Be flexible, but understand that children need boundaries and a routine is a great way to keep those in place.
Step 5) Know that you WILL make mistakes, and keep on learning!
"Let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance." Prov. 1:5
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